Wednesday, March 20, 2019


No subheading needed

This is one of those posts you might want to bookmark. This is one of those posts that mark a milestone in the process. It's a big day. Why? I finished the cover and WOW. I. Love. It. Let's take a look at it.

Now, let's break it down. As you can see, I kept the general layout I had designed previously. All I did was add the cover lines and the picture I took. The picture fit perfectly because it fits right in the middle, making the subject the main focus. For the placement of the cover lines, I drew inspiration from an example I had put earlier on this blog as well as a food magazine I found on Barnes and Noble. These were the covers I took a look at:

From the Bon Appetit cover, I took the idea of having the cover lines interact with the picture. With this in mind, I easily found three more articles that could be related to the picture other than the main article. This gives the magazine a sense of cohesion and leaves it clear that the cocktail issue is indeed about anything and everything there is to know about cocktails. From this cover, I was also inspired to stick to a rather monochromatic color scheme to give it an artistic look. As for the cover of THRIVE, I drew the inspiration to play with the fonts and wrap them around the subject of the picture. This gives the cover a more playful look while contributing to the artistic look. In terms of the font and colors of the cover lines, I decided to stick to minimalistic color choices with minimal pops of color. The reason behind this decision is that it keeps the cover clean and minimalistic, a common convention in luxurious and high end magazines. Furthermore, I kept the use of serif fonts to a minimum so they wouldn't steal the spotlight from the mast head of clash too much with each other.
I am very happy with the way it turned out because it fits the image of a high end magazine while also looking artistic and not taking away from the fact that it is a food magazine. :)))


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